debt repayment singapore

Debt Repayment Help In Singapore To Be Debt Free

Debt Repayment Scheme in Singapore

a formal arrangement between a debtor and their creditors to repay debts over an extended period. The primary objective of a DRS is to help individuals who are struggling with debt to manage their financial obligations in a more structured and sustainable manner. 

The Steps of Getting In DRS


Before entering a DRS, an individual’s financial situation is typically assessed by a debt advisor or counselor. This assessment helps determine how much the debtor can realistically afford to pay back each month.

Proposal and application:

Based on the assessment, a proposal is made to the creditors outlining the repayment plan. This proposal will detail how much the debtor can pay monthly and over what period.


Creditors review the proposal, and if they agree, the DRS is put into place. In some cases, creditors might negotiate the terms further before agreeing.


Once the DRS is in place, the debtor makes regular payments, usually monthly, to a designated agency or directly to the creditors. These payments are distributed among the creditors based on the agreed-upon terms.

Interest and Charges:

In many DRSs, interest and additional charges on the debt are frozen. This means the debtor won’t accumulate more debt due to interest and late fees while they’re repaying under the scheme.


Once all the payments are made as per the DRS, any remaining debt is often written off, and the individual is considered debt-free.


During the tenure of a DRS, creditors usually can’t take legal action against the debtor, as long as the debtor adheres to the terms of the scheme.

It’s essential to note that the specifics of a DRS can vary depending on the country or jurisdiction. Some countries might have formalized programs with specific rules and regulations, while others might have more informal arrangements.

If someone is considering a DRS, it’s crucial to seek advice from a financial counselor or professional to understand the implications fully and ensure it’s the right choice for their situation.

Debt free journey with debt repayment scheme (drs) or bankruptcy in Singapore

Are you STRUGGLING to repay your DEBT? here is your chance to be debt free This will be your GOLDEN BRIDGE to RELIEVE your STRESS! Debt free journey with debt repayment scheme.
A scheme in Singapore (SG) NOT KNOWN to everyone. DEBT REPAYMENT SCHEME is a Government implemented programme to save DEBTORS from Bankruptcy

The BENEFITS of the scheme are:

(a) FREEZE INTEREST from snowballing
(b) Consolidate ALL DEBTS into 1 payment
(c) STOP LEGAL ACTIONS against you
(d) 5 Year Repayment plan
(f) Deter creditor HARASSMENT

You have to fulfill all of the following eligibility criteria before deemed ELIGIBLE for DRS:

(a) Total liabilities do not exceed $100,000;
(b) Gainfully employed and earning a regular income;
(c) Not been a bankrupt or been on the DRS in the last 5 years;
(d) Not been subject to a court-based arrangement in the last 5 years; and
(e) Not a sole-proprietor or partner in any firm.

Learn how May can be stress & debt free in her journey. 

Check out clear debt tools to help you calculate your debt and visualize on how you can clear it  

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