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7 Easy Side Hustle To Get Extra Income

Everyone affected by the pandemic are trying to get a side hustle to supplement their income as most of us are laid off, gotten our salary cut by a certain percentage or offer was rescinded. Here are some of the side hustle that you can try to get extra income or side money

1. Post your talents/hobbies on social media

There’s alot of ways to get this going.

In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become lucrative avenues for individuals to monetize their talents and hobbies. By posting content related to your skills, whether it’s cooking, painting, playing an instrument, or even gardening, you can attract a like-minded audience and build a community around your passion.

Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are popular for showcasing talents. You can create engaging videos, tutorials, or share tips with your followers. As your audience grows, so does the potential for monetization. You can earn money through various channels like sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or even by selling your own products or services.

Moreover, platforms like Patreon allow creators to get paid directly by their followers on a subscription basis. By offering exclusive content or personalized services, you can earn a steady income.

It’s essential to remain authentic and consistent in sharing your journey, as genuine engagement is valued by both audiences and potential sponsors. Monetizing your talents on social media not only provides financial benefits but also the gratification of sharing your passion with a broader community

2. Sell your stuff or others’ stuff

People can sell online without spending too much for advertisement. Let us take for example the owner of Nasty Gal, an online clothing store, Sophia Amoruso. She began with vintage finds on eBay, and now, she earns millions of dollars every year. If you don’t have a lot of things or you don’t have a product to sell, then resell other people’s products. In this way, you’ll get a percentage or commission for selling them.

3. Rent Your Things

If your heart and mind do not allow you to sell your things, but your wallet or pocket tells you to earn money, find a website that lets you rent your things online. Let us take for example Airbnb. House owners can lease their rooms or spaces for those who are looking for affordable vacation. Just surf on the internet and look what for what you really like.

4. Write your own blog

Travel, food, fashion, news, personal stories- these are most common topics of blogs, but they do work. Pete Cashmore, aside from being a good-looking guy is also rich via his blog called Mashable. With interesting blogs, advertisers or the media may contact you, and yes, you will be paid. Just remember when blogging, find your passion and your writing will come out naturally.

5. Write your own book

Choose your own topic, think of something interesting, sit down and write. Many book authors started sharing their stories online. When readers love it, they can get a chance to publish their own books. And you never know, it could become a movie someday too.

We wrote our first book 20 Money Tips That You Might Have Missed from amazon kindle self publishing 

20 money tips that you might have missed moneytalktips  

You can get a copy here

6. Make review or Advertise for other people

Aside from the chance to become a non-paying customer of businesses, you can get a chance to be paid by making a review about them or marketing them online. Just think of all those instagrammers who add in their caption when they visit a restaurant or a shop.

7. Get out of your box and introduce a new idea

Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google makers, and Sabeer Bhatia, owner of Hotmail. They have proven that bright and new ideas work. So step out of your box and share your idea to the world.

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